
With its intuitive interfaces and solid, dependable functionality, Norwix enterprise level software is a high performer in the industrial printing systems arena.

A key strength is its ability to rapidly integrate into external industrial printing systems, from databases to other equipment on the packaging line.

All software is provided free of charge and is full supported for the life of the installation with ongoing upgrades and addition of new features.

Coding and Marking Simplified

One Software App handles all Norwix printer products – Vega.  Designed and built from the ground up, utilizing some of the latest improvements in software control, Vega has the power to drive all print applications, from small to large, simple to complicated.

Available in embedded or Windows versions, job creation and print management can be handled from one device; no need to create print jobs on one device and upload them to the printer.

With guided wizards available at every step to make configuration and job creation a breeze. The modern interface is intuitive and facilitates self-learning so that complex training is removed from day to day operations.


Simple Job Design

Creating a job is effortless with features designed to make your life much simpler. Choose from a variety of Static and Dynamic fields and drop them in, with the knowledge that there is a myriad of adjustments that can be made to suit your specific needs.



Software from Norwix allows you complete control of the print environment. Integration into data sources or even control of the printing by other machinery is fully supported. Full documentation is available at all times.

Static Data – all data contained within the print job

User Input – When user starts a job it will prompt them to enter data that will be printed in the job

SQL Pull – centralization of data, where the print template and fields are populated from server

XML Data Push – for fully automated packaging lines with centralized control of multiple parts of line. Data is pushed to Norwix software.

Dynamic Data Feed – data is received from external equipment, such as weighing scales and print template fields are populated.